For more information or to schedule an evaluation please contact Coach Stefan at [email protected]
Beginner Diving:
Athletes new to the sport from 4 years old and up will learn the diving basics including hurdling techniques, the five jumping categories (front, back, inward, reverse, and twisting) and head first entries.
TUE & THU 5:00-6:00 PM
Advanced Diving:
Experienced athletes will start advanced hurdling, complete all five jumping categories, learn optionals in all five categories, and include more dryland training. These divers are expected to compete and train year-round.
MON/WED/FRI 5:00-7:00 PM
TUE & THU 6:00-8:00 PM
Required Equipment (both groups): Swimsuit, Shammy, Water bottle
Beginner Diving:
Athletes new to the sport from 4 years old and up will learn the diving basics including hurdling techniques, the five jumping categories (front, back, inward, reverse, and twisting) and head first entries.
TUE & THU 5:00-6:00 PM
Advanced Diving:
Experienced athletes will start advanced hurdling, complete all five jumping categories, learn optionals in all five categories, and include more dryland training. These divers are expected to compete and train year-round.
MON/WED/FRI 5:00-7:00 PM
TUE & THU 6:00-8:00 PM
Required Equipment (both groups): Swimsuit, Shammy, Water bottle
Dryland is a very important part of diving and at Roadrunner Aquatics we have everything needed to perfect the hurdling, flipping, and twisting necessary for springboard diving. A spotting belt over the dry board allows divers to perfect their head first entries safely, but without the impact. The trampoline is used for perfecting technique and to assist in overall "flipability". The athletes will have strength and conditioning as well as flexibility stations at every practice.
Dryland is a very important part of diving and at Roadrunner Aquatics we have everything needed to perfect the hurdling, flipping, and twisting necessary for springboard diving. A spotting belt over the dry board allows divers to perfect their head first entries safely, but without the impact. The trampoline is used for perfecting technique and to assist in overall "flipability". The athletes will have strength and conditioning as well as flexibility stations at every practice.
All billing questions and any cancellations (these must be made 15 days prior to the end of the month) can be made by emailing [email protected]. Cancellations requests sent to any other email will not be accepted.